Sunday, January 27, 2008

Random thoughts

Well, it's been quite a while since my first post. Things have been moving along at our house, with two families living here. It can be challenging at times, but rewarding as well. It's great to have our grandchildren around and see them growing. 6-month-old Thomas is a real hoot. He hasn't learned to crawl yet, but has a hilarious lurch, sort of like a caterpillar.

Michelle was over with the boys the other day and talked Stephanie into starting a blog. Steph quickly became addicted and has been having a ball blogging. Visit her blog at Basker's Blunders.

Morgan turned 18 on Thursday, but was out of town, so we'll celebrate Sunday. He just returned late tonight from Pocatello where he spent the last few days participating in the All-State Band. We're proud of him and glad he had the opportunity to be a part of it. He was very impressed with the building where they held the concert.

Grandma Danes asked me to help her set up a blog so she could stay in touch with her grandchildren better. I have very limited knowledge of blogs, but was able to help her get one up and running. Check it out at Grandma's Ramblings


Rachel Holloway said...

So nice to have another post from you!! I am so glad you are all joining this blogging craze! :) We do love it! :)

We love hearing anything that is going on...Have a great Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad things are going well, and Happy Birthday to Morgan! Sounds like the trip to Pocotello would have been a lot of fun. I'm sure you love having your kids and grandkids close; I know Mom was really sad when we all moved to different corners, following jobs and the like. On the other hand, Steve's parents are enjoying having us closer now :)

I am so excited that you helped Grandma set up a blog; I've already visited and put her link on my list :D I always love seeing new stuff go up on anyone's blog so any new news (however small) is great!

Karen said...

Welcome and Thanks...for getting G'ma on line...We'll keep tabs on you now.

Michelle said...

Hey Dad! I am glad you posted again. We all have a lot of fun with this, and I will enjoy getting family news. I hope Morgan enjoys turning 18, I can't believe he is really that old. I keep telling Oren to stop eating so he will stop growing. He just looks at me and says, "But Mom, I have to grow so I can get married in the temple!" Gotta love it...

Stephanie said...

Seems a little superfluous to comment online when I can just talk to you in person, but whatever. Glad you posted again, keep it up!

Michelle said...

Hey Dad, you got tagged! Check out my blog for the rules and the game. Love ya!

Grandma Danes said...

Kenneth - you have been tagged